Friday, August 31, 2012

Anything sweeter than baby feet?

Rookie Parents

Getting used to a new baby in our home has been challenging. One does not fully understand being a parent until you have to literally lose over half of your sleep every single night. I have often thought and now simpethize with single parents. I think I would have already fallen off my rocker if not for Aaron. 

Abram will be a month old tomorrow. Where did that time go? I have almost forgotten the birth and the fear that we felt when we knew he was coming early. Now our days consist of spending our mornings at the park and as many naps as we can get in. Babies can be so boring (just being honest here) but at the same time so hard to occupy when they are not sleeping. Is it just me or does every parent of a new born feel as though they need to be right in baby's face when he is awake? Spending every single day with someone who cannot say "hey mom lets for a car ride or to lunch" gets a little lonely. 

I have learned a lot this month and Im sure I will only learn more on a daily basis....

  • Babies really like to suck.... like all the time! My heavens!
  • This baby can soil as many diapers as possible in one feeding sitting... Again My heavens!!
  • Babies are totally confused as to what time of day it is.
  • Abram has this eating radar. When Mommy starts stuffing her face Abram wants to do the same. 
  • Babies are not confined to breakfast, lunch and supper meals..... they eat literally all day. Lets all say it together MY HEAVENS!
  • Your baby must be the most amazing thing God has created soooo you take a million photos and you elaborate on the smallest things (sorry for all the text messages you all).
Well lets see what we can learn in this next month :) 
Back to Abram I gooooooo!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nana's are great!

We had a wonderful few days with my Grandma. Abram's Nana. I cant wait for him to get to know her more! 

Sandy is such a good girl with Abram. She gives the most gentlest kisses! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Being a mother and a wife has always been a dream of mine. Finally God has blessed me with both. I must say though that I never thought it was going to be so time consuming. I was always told when I became a mother nothing was about me anymore it was all about your child. Those people were sure right. Today Abram scared the tar out of me. He had some projectile vomiting which was yellow. It came out of his nose as well so it was hard for him to breath. Along with that came some sneezing up green mucous. Boy did my heart ever break for the kid. I then felt that unconditional love that a mother has for her child. How could anyone ever let that go? Day 3 of being at home without my husband. I really hope it gets better once he gets bigger!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Yes MORE photos. I love taking pictures of my two favorite boys :) 

He sure doesnt look like me! Lol Look at those ears! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Due Date/More Photos

Today was our original due date. Its hard to believe that Abram has been here almost three weeks. Things are going great and we are so thankful. Aaron starts his new job on Monday which means the "stay at home mom" part starts. It has been nice having him home for two weeks to help with the transition. Any time anyone has a baby I strongly encourage your husband to take maternity leave as well. Especially if it is the first baby. 

Abram and I will have lots of down time so I better start figuring out what exactly a SAHM does ;) 
We spent some time at a friends house last night. It was nice getting out and sharing the joys that Abram brings to everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Abram gained 9 ounces in a week and is an inch longer. He is doing so well. Eventually he will have to have an ultra sound done on his hips due to being breached most of the 9 months. It can be hard on them and just to be safe we will have a look see. The doctor says he looks great and of course the weight gain is awesome! 

"A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living."
~Charles Swindoll ~

Monday, August 13, 2012


Abram is very much confused. He sleeps all day (with a few wide awake times) and is wide awake most of the night. Such a silly little man. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Abram is kicking our butts! Sleep almost does not exist in the Avery home anymore. Thankfully it is getting easier with each passing day. But our Little Man is growing like a weed. He has already gotten back to his birth weight and with the amount he eats it wont be long before he can legally sit in his car seat ;) HAHA
We are so blessed.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The day of delivery. 

Tummy Time

August 1, 2012

August 1st started out like any other day. I had many plans for the day including thoughts of getting a pedicure. We got up and my wonderful best friend Claudine met me at the hospital for my 8am appointment. The plan was to do a version which would have turned the baby from the outside. We went in and the doctor began looking at the baby via ultrasound. He noticed that the fluids were very low and that by the measurements the baby was about 5 pounds. The cesarean doctor then came in and informed me that she would not be able to turn the baby from the outside and that the chances of him moving on his own were little to none. 
By this time my greatest fear was looking pretty close. I then asked her what does this mean. She answered "A scheduled cesarean". I couldnt hold the tears in and I began to sob. She was well aware that I had come from the birthing center and that I had no interest in a C section but because of the risk to the baby I could not object. 
I had walked in with high hopes and as she began to express her concerns to me the bomb completely dropped. I was terrified as I have never been omitted to the hospital before let a lone the OR. 
I could hardly talk when I called Aaron and informed him he would need to come home ASAP because we were going to have a baby in literally 4 hours. 
I have learned once again, or have been reminded once again that God's plans and my plans are NOT the same. We like to think they are. We like to say that we want God's will in our life but when it comes down to it I did not want that part of God's will in my life. From there on it was a very terrifying experience but with all the wonderful people God put in that OR with me and the support I had from family and friends and most of all my husband I got through it just fine. I think in the end God just wanted me to stop planning. To learn to trust him and know that everything would eventually turn out for the best. And believe me it did. All the pain and the heart ache has been well worth it. I could go through a dozen surgeries just to have this little baby boy! He is truly a gift from God. 
We love you Abram Aaron.