Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a few photos

We just love our little house and cant wait to have our first BBQ Yum Yum! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

What a weekend!

After a very long few days we are finally all moved out of our house and into the new one. We are so tired and feel like our feet and legs are going to fall off but we are so happy to be all unloaded. Now I will spend the next few weeks unpacking everything and putting it in its place. Thank you Carol for all your help! 
I will take some photos of course and be posting them soon! 

Some sad news today; Aaron's grandpa passed away and is now completely out of pain. Please keep his grandmother and family in prayers as they are now facing the mourning period. But as we are told in the bible we do not mourn like the unbeliever mourns because we have hope, HOPE that we will one day see him again in heaven when God brings our Savior Jesus Christ back! 

Terri I am so sorry for your loss and I cannot imagine the pain that you feel but I know that you have hope and that you will see him again! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

I have a huge feeling that this baby is going to come early and in the middle of settling in. Please Please baby, just wait until we get you to turn!
Thank you Lord for all of these wonderful blessings. We have the Uhaul almost fully packed and I think we will get to spend our first night in the house TONIGHT. I am gonna sleep great tonight!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No fun!

Packing is absolutely no fun! Packing an entire house in five days is absolutely no fun! Packing when you are 9 months pregnant is no fun! 

I could go on and on ;)
We welcome any helpers! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Almost time to move!

Finding a new place to live is exciting and exhausting. I wish we had more family here to help Aaron pack and move our things. Of course I play Mrs. Super Woman and I am sure I will be doing a lot as well... (if he lets me). We found a really cute home 3 bedroom 2 bath. Its not the biggest but it will work for us!!! We should know something by Monday. I am just happy its central air HAHA 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What a ride!

WHAT an emotional roller coaster life can sometimes be. Job, family, new baby, new house. So many things to consider and to think about. The feeling of just being completely overwhelmed has finally set it. How does one really get ready for a life changing moment? And is it even fair to complain? Today I thought I was going to walk right out the door and quit work all together. The emotional wreck that one becomes when 9 months pregnant and your job just does not care! Let me tell you, its a mess. I can see the light at the end of this tunnel only because JESUS is that light. No matter how much I would like to break down and cry JESUS is there to lift me back up onto my feet and say "Just a few more days, just a few more!" 

Of course having an amazing, understanding husband also is totally helpful. I feel like such a baby these days. If I am this exhausted now, what will it be like with a screaming baby!? Again God is my strength and He is super strong ya'll. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Count Down

We seriously have 5 more weeks give or take a few before our Little Man arrives. I cannot believe it. God has blessed us enormously and he has provided greatly for us and we cannot wait for another chapter in our lives. Please continue to pray for Aaron's job status and for a move before the baby arrives. . . 

Such a hard thing to do at times but such an IMPORTANT thing to do at all times! 

Monday, July 9, 2012


Thank you Terri for the cake and the set up. That was very nice. 

And we are back!

Well we are back in Tucson. We had a nice weekend with family in New Mexico. The next time everyone will see us we will have a little baby boy. Of course I think I grew this weekend. The road trip was ok and getting home to our babies was great. 
Someone missed his baby girl :) 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


So we read that putting cold up top and hot below will help baby flip..... We will see :)

We need a Vacation!

I am ready for a vacation. Ummmm from life? Is that possible? From school, from being pregnant, from being exhausted all the time..... Oh yea, that doesn't really end huh? 
When I say "Oh I cant wait to get back to normal" people reply with "NORMAL, THATS GONE!".
Well at least this weekend we will get some time away from Tucson. God must have a plan for us here because we know we sure dislike this place. 

We hope you all had a great 4th of July. 

Monday, July 2, 2012


I cant believe it is already July. Where did time go? We have approximately 7 weeks to go. Give or take a few I guess. We will got back to the doctor on Tuesday for another check up. Boy does emotions run high in the last trimester. There are no real updates on the baby at this point. He is still moving and kicking all day long. Aaron and I started our Childbirth Education classes two weeks ago and I think they will come in handy when the time comes. The magic number is 37 weeks. If my water breaks before 37 weeks I will have to have him in the hospital and we all know I do not like that idea... So our hope is that he waits until full term to arrive. I have heard that first time moms go almost all the way to the end if not a little after so that is a relief. 
I think we will start gathering more baby stuff soon and getting his diapers and clothes all washed up. I am also going to make a list of "To Do" things for people who are planning on coming for any long length of time. Of course Aaron will be great in the helping process but I am sure we both will need the extra help later on. So think twice before coming out hahaha. JK 
We will be going to New Mexico this weekend for a little break from Tucson. A much needed break from Tucson. I hope you all have a great start to the month!