Friday, June 29, 2012

Few Photos.

It's whats for dinner!! 

Muffins anyone? 

Daddy is comparing safety. I keep telling him he's going to be such a great daddy! 

Baby Avery.... You are getting soooo big. 

"Its so beautiful" --Aaron

Aaron finally got his hard earned degree in the mail. He says "Its so beautiful!". And he is right.... Time to get a very beautiful frame for it. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quality Time

Aaron and I have decided to do away with Dish TV. We realize now how dependent upon TV we are. When you look around and say "What am I gonna do now?" says it all. But too much of a good thing is not a good thing. It will be nice to get back to the things that we enjoy in life. Cooking, being outside. Just spending time in God's word a lot more. There are so many interference's in life now days that keeps us from meditating on God. When you put those aside and really get back to your first love "Jesus" life is so much simpler and so much...... quieter! 

I am really enjoying the sound of the curtains blowing and the smell of the rain outside. . . 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monsoon rain is awesome. I dont have water my plants tonight :)) Bring on the rain! 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I had a little fun at work ;)

Baby Avery's favorite position. I think my belly looks like this over the half the time ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Aaron has an over the phone job interview with a company in Nashville, Tn next Wed. Please continue sending up the prayers as we know God will deliver. Thanks ya'll. 
I am attempting to make home made cough drops. I have a feeling they aren't going to be as sweet as store bough but I cant wait to see how they work. . . I have had an itchy throat for a few days or maybe a week so I hope it makes it feel better. Also if anyone wants the recipe let me know, its very simple.  

Friday, June 22, 2012


Aaron is notorious for making a mess in the kitchen when he's in there...... This morning, coffee spilt all over the counter and floor. How does that happen you ask? Well, throwing silverware across the room. Thats ok..... it didn't stress me out I just left haha. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baby Avery Update

Today we had our normal baby appointment. All was going well until the midwife tells me that the baby is measuring under weight. So in two weeks we will return to get a better look and a better measurement. Along with that he is still breached. I know he will move but the midwife seemed a little nervous about this. A little more so than the baby being under weight. Of course we all know God is in control and he will move this little man if that is what is meant to be. In the meantime I will be doing some exercises to help the process. If all else fails there are doctors who specialize in moving babies from the outside. Boy does that sound painful..... All I know is that I eat healthy and I eat enough. I could probably be getting a little more calcium as I do not drink milk anymore other than in my cereal. Almond milk is the replacement but when you are so tired and you are rushing out of the front door in the morning its hard to remember to drink those two glasses of milk. Oh and drinking ANYTHING after 6pm is a negatory. But I will do my best to start drinking more. But I do know that he is not unhealthy!! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

School School School

I started my core classes this week and I am a little over whelmed. School seems to be getting harder and harder as I go...... I am thankful though that it didn't start out hard as I might not have made it. :) I cannot believe that August I will have been in school for an entire year. I cannot wait for 2015 when I graduate and can start on yet another degree. Being a life long learner is my goal. Knowledge is so highly entertaining and very attractive to me. I still hold a 4.0 and I pray that it continues as these classes will be getting a little harder as I go. I am very thankful for Aaron as he has helped me through this entire first year but I must learn that I need to do it without him because I will be the one teaching, not him. But I am still thankful. So with that being said here I go.... Diving right in. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Keys to a happy marriage.

It is very shocking to me that Aaron and I have been married less than a year and it feels as though we have found the keys to keeping a happy marriage.... Already!? 
I find myself trying to meet his needs on a daily basis. I find comfort and happiness in pleasing my husband. Whether it means rising early in the morning, as I do, to make his lunch for the day and to put the coffee on or staying up late to watch a movie with him even though I am dog tired.  A successful marriage does not just fall into our lap. It is something that we must work on every single day.  I was given some advice one time. The person told me that marriage is not 50/50 rather it is give/give. When you strive to show that love and to give all you can to your spouse it makes for such a happier setting. When giving you must also allow yourself to receive that in which your husband or wife is giving to you. See, when you give to your spouse out of the goodness of your heart and out of the love you have for them, it not only brightens their day, but it makes yours that much brighter as well.
So I would say after having Christ in the center, compromise and giving is two very important things in a marriage.  God portrays love and we are to make it our daily goal.

"Love is forbearing and kind. Love knows no jealousy. Love does not brag; is not conceited. She is not unmannerly, nor selfish, nor irritable, nor mindful of wrongs. She does not rejoice in injustice, but joyfully sides with the truth. She can overlook faults. She is full of trust, full of hope, full of endurance." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful dads and dads to be (MR. AVERY). I hope that you all have a great day because guess what? You deserve it. Below is a poem that just matched my relationship with my dad and I wanted to share it. God bless and enjoy! 

Daddy's Little Girl

As I look back to see
I remember times spent on your knee

When it came to my biggest fears
you came along to wipe away my tears
But as years started rushing by
I'll have to say with a sigh

You needed me just as bad
and those times were so sad

But now we're a family once more
and I know there's so much in store

You always seem to know when I need a smile
especially when you haven't seen one in a while

We seem to always be on the same page
even though there's a big difference in age

We know how to make each other laugh
and it makes time fly past

Daddy thats why I'm so thankful for you
I would never ask for anyone new

I love you so very much
because you help me with all my problems and such

I know you wish you could give me the world
but I'm proud enough with my title
"Daddy's Little Girl"
- Heather Leanne Fleming
Pretty cool information here!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ok Sandy is super spoiled by her dadda and Aaron looks just like his brother in this photo! 

Baby is getting big fast! 

Baby's first home made blanket... Thank you Aki :D 

Just keep swimming

Has anyone else felt completely sad at the end of their pregnancy? I have gained weight although my husband would disagree. I can't breath, I can't eat, I can't sleep. Sounds a little depressing to me. It is though a great feeling to know that no matter how big I get and no matter how tired or cranky I get, that husband of mine will always love me! Thank you Lord for that. 
As I was down on my knees cleaning a toddler table today I heard a little whisper in my ear saying "I wont give you more than you can handle, daughter of mine". I am so happy to have a God and a Father who cares so deeply for me. I know no matter how hard work gets and no matter how uncomfortable life might seem to be at times God will never give me more than this body and mind can take. So I "just keep swimming, just keeping swimming" as Aaron and Dory would say. 
Oh and by the way.... This blogging thing is getting really boring NO ONE seems to comment :)) 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It looks like we might have found an appt to move into next month. Aaron has a job interview on Thursday so we are hoping to actually move out of Az before we sign a lease. We also know that might not be God's plan for us at the moment. Either way we are moving forward with life and continuing to pray that God will send Aaron the perfect job. The appt has a nice patio for the pups to lounge around in when needed and the price is great. Also LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. It is in a safe part of town and it faces the mountains so its very beautiful. We have only seen it online so we will be checking out in person very soon. 
Fingers crossed, prayers out, anything can help. Thanks ya'll.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mom to be Haircut

Its never a bad time to try a new hair style right? And whats better is doing it in the summer right before your baby comes :D 
The disaster which was my head had to go....
I feel.... I feel.... Refreshed! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


So I was lying in bed last night and it hit me "This baby has to come out at some point". I have tried my best not to think about this until the end because Lord knows that I will freak myself out...
The baby is still breached which also freaks me out but I am well aware that in most cases they can move even at the last minute. As I was thinking about him coming out I felt both happiness and there was a moment of sadness. I have carried him for this long and I feel so close to him so it makes me feel a little sad that I wont feel his kicks anymore. . . I was also a little sad because now we will hear his screams and cries and all that comes with a child. And then I thought of all the happiness he is going to bring to our lives. When he see's his daddy come home from work and says "Dadda, Dadda!" I cannot wait. Or when he smiles even before he can talk. I cannot wait. Life will be very different and at times very hard but we will have each other and that is something that tickles me pink ;)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I am pondering what to do after baby Avery comes. I have thought about "baby sitting" a few infants to earn an income and also stay at home. I am thinking a total of 4 babies including our own would work. I have always wanted my own learning center not necessarily infants but it'll work. Better get an add put out ;)) 


Tucson heat is terrible. Its almost like the sun is roasting your skin. . . Wait, it is. 
104 today and guess what its not even summer. 

Friday, June 8, 2012


The search has started for a new place to live. We want to be out of our current home and into something a tad bit upgraded by the time the baby comes. With two large dogs it gets very expensive. All I know is that we better find something soon because I do not know how long I am able to keep my sanity. Please continue to pray for Aaron and the job that he is suppose to have. God has always and will always provide for us and we know that. 
So..... with that being said let the search begin. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Green Thumb

So I guess I DO have a green thumb just not for growing food. My plants are looking very nice the only down side is that nothing is coming of these beautiful plants....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

29 Weeks

Fun baby facts at 29 weeks:
Little Avery should weigh around 2.5 pounds and is about 15 inches long. His lungs and muscles are continuing to grow and mature. 
Doctor's orders more protein for mommy! 
Life changes? Oh yes, now that Mr. Man moves non stop its hard to get sleep or even get comfortable. 
I cannot believe that I will be 8 months pregnant in a few weeks. Where has the time gone? There is plenty that Aaron and I will be doing in the next few months. We are just so excited to see our baby boy! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Braxton Hicks

Most women know what Braxton Hicks are and let me tell you they are not pleasant. Today started out as a normal day, normal routines. About 9am I started feeling massive cramping as if it was "that time of the month" well its not! 
Apparently I had what is called the Braxton Hicks. Most women do not experience pain at all when they get these. NOT ME! So essentially they are uterus contractions. Well needless to say I am not sure how I am gonna get through REAL labor contractions! 
I am praying for a great support team! 
Oh these lasted about an hour I think I had 4 contractions total. 

Mt. Lemmon Hiking

What a great time hiking Mt. Lemmon. Thank the Lord I was able to make it back UP the hills. 


Most everyone already knows that Aaron finally graduated. It was such a relief for him to know that HE IS DONE! 


Hello friends and family. 
This is the Avery (Aaron, Sherry and Baby Avery) blog. As you know Sherry is not doing facebook anymore so we thought a blog would suit much better for photo sharing and updates! 